3rd-i Tai Chi Forms & Qigong sets taught


Tai Chi for Energy Beginner form 20 moves

Tai Chi Extended set 40 moves in total

Bafu Wubu - 8 Methods & Five Steps

Yang Style 24 form

Sun Style Short form


Qigong sets

Dao Yin Yang Sheng gong 12 meridian set

Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong

Ba Duan Jin - Eight Treasures

Yi yin jing Tendon & muscle strengthening

Xing Yi Standing Pole



Tai Chi & QiGong


Our Tai Chi classes are for health and wellbeing and include Qigong training which enhances wellbeing, energy & connectedness, we are also not tied to a style and students can learn Sun & Yang style forms, Advanced students can learn Chinese weapons forms including Sword & Fan


Beginners can start with a short 'Tai Chi For Energy' form which combines the gentle Sun style with some of the deeper stances of the Chen style, or also the popular Yang 24 form as well as 8 metrhods & 5 steps 'Bafuwubu' relaxing music is played during classes.Tai Chi movements are slow and mindful, which gently stretch the joints and muscles of the entire body, strengthening them from inside out.


Good body posture is shown by studies to make you feel more positive.We are affliliated to the Tai Chi for Health Institute which was founded in 2010 by Dr Lam and many of his Tai Chi for Health colleagues with the purpose of empowering people to improve health and wellness through the Tai Chi for Health programs.


The combination of the Chen & Sun styles produces a powerful synergy in Tai Chi for energy, this program will improve your natural health & wellness, internal energy and the ability to manage stress


Class Times

Mondays from 6:15pm to 7:15pm venue is The Good Gym in Kiln Farm, MK11 3LW, Class is very popular so booking in advance is necessary, discounts for block bookings


York House, Stony Stratford, MK11 1JQ

Thursdays 12:30 to 1:30pm

Yang forms, Tai Chi for Energy & QiGong & Tai Chi Fan


No experience is necessary just wear tracksuit and t-shirt and come along

If you would like to find out more please get in touch via an Enquiry form or alternatively call or text 07471 763765